Consultations Health Checks Regular health checks are an important part of pet ownership. At every consultation that your pet has with us, our Veterinarians will perform a full physical examination and address any concerns you may have. This enables us to detect any health issues such as heart murmurs, dental disease and arthritis, among others. Animals can be very stoic and good at hiding signs of disease, so a regular check-up helps detect more subtle ailments, resulting in earlier intervention and a happier, healthier life for your pet.
Vaccinations Vaccinations are an important part of your pet's healthcare plan, from when they are a puppy or a kitten throughout each life stage. We recommend vaccinating dogs with a C5 and cats with an F3, with the option of additional vaccinations such as leptospirosis and FIV. Vaccinations protect against a large range of harmful and potentially fatal illnesses. At every vaccination appointment, our Veterinarians will perform a comprehensive physical examination on your pet.
Parasite Prevention We recommend using regular parasite preventatives on your pet to minimise any health issues associated with parasites such as heartworm, intestinal worms, fleas, ticks and mites. There are many product options available (many covering different spectrums of the above parasites, but unfortunately, no one product covers all), ranging from monthly oral or spot-on products to a yearly injection. It can get confusing trying to decide on the best product choice(s) for your pet and our Vets and Nurses are more than happy to work out a parasite prevention plan for your pet if you need guidance.
Microchips A microchip is a small grain of rice-sized electronic chip that is implanted under the skin between the shoulder-blades using a needle. This microchip carries a unique identification number that is able to be read by any vet or council should your pet present as a stray. The number is registered to you and hence your missing pet can be easily returned in this manner. All animals are legally required to be microchipped, and most come already microchipped from the breeder or shelter. If your pet does not have a microchip, this can be done during the consultation without need for sedation. It is important to always update the appropriate microchip registry should your contact details change.
Nurse Consultations Our qualified Veterinary Nurses are extremely competent and able to perform nurse consultations for minor procedures such as nail clips, anal gland expression, regular injections (such as Cartrophen and Cytopoint) and post-operative checks. They are also more than happy to chat with you about parasite preventatives, dietary recommendations and any other general veterinary questions you may have.
Desexing We routinely desex dogs and cats as a day procedure at the clinic. Usually we perform this procedure from 5-6 months of age, with some larger breed dogs waiting until 12-18 months.
Desexing can help to reduce straying and aggression and can also reduce the incidence of diseases such as testicular and mammary cancers, as well as pyometra (infection of the uterus).
Routine desexings can be booked for any weekday. Your pet can have dinner the night before and then all food removed before bedtime. Your pet can go home the same day and should be kept inside that night. Most animals are back to normal by the next day, however we recommend keeping them quiet and confined for 7-10 days post-operatively.
Dentistry Dental disease is an extremely common ailment in domestic pets which often results in discomfort, infection and tooth loss. 80% of dogs and 70% of cats develop a form of dental disease by the age of three.
At North Croydon Veterinary Clinic we have state of the art dental equipment, including dental radiographs and the expertise to treat dental disease in your pet. We perform a wide range of dental procedures, from a simple scale and polish to more extensive surgical extractions. All animals undergoing dental work are given a full general anaesthesia and require a day stay.
We stock a range of prescription dental diets, treats and products for at-home care of your pet's teeth and for the prevention of plaque and tartar build-up.
Surgery At North Croydon Veterinary Clinic we are able to perform a wide range of surgical procedures in our fully equipped modern surgical suite, including but not limited to, desexings, tumour and lump removals, wound stitch-ups, brachycephalic airway surgery, orthopaedic surgery and open abdominal surgeries such as foreign body removals and bladder surgeries. We have recently formed an affiliation with a travelling Veterinary Surgeon who comes to our clinic to perform the more complex orthopaedic surgeries.
We use the safest anaesthetic agents available and tailor-make an anaesthetic regime based on your pet's age, species and breed as well as any pre-existing ailments. Our surgical procedures are performed at the highest standards of patient care and sterility, and our Veterinarians and Veterinary Nurses pride themselves on ensuring the maximum comfort for your pet during their stay.
Radiology Radiographs provide Veterinarians with a non-invasive way to see what is happening inside of your pet. These can be performed to diagnose fractures, obstruction/foreign body ingestion, osteoarthritis, cancer, organ-related conditions, bladder stones and more.
X-rays are safe for your pet and are mostly performed whilst your pet is sedated or under a general anaesthetic to prevent stress and discomfort. At North Croydon Veterinary Clinic, we have a digital x-ray setup which enables us to obtain images at the click of a button.
Ultrasound If your pet requires an ultrasound examination, we work with a travelling Veterinary Sonographer who has extensive training and experience. The Sonographer comes to us at the clinic, bringing her state-of-the-art ultrasound machine (no referrals needed). If required, the Sonographer is able to take ultrasound-guided fine need samples of abnormal findings, which we can send to the pathology lab to further aid diagnosis. Having a travelling Sonographer come to the clinic means that she can confer directly with us regarding any findings so that together we can create the most effective treatment plan for your pet.
Individual Weight Loss & Arthritis Management Plans If your pet is carrying excessive weight, this can lead to a multitude of health problems such as osteoarthritis and diabetes. We are able to advise on the ideal weight range for your pet and tailor a feeding program with a prescription weight-loss diet specifically for your pet. We stock a range of such diets, including combination diets for animals with multiple health considerations.
Arthritis is extremely common in dogs and cats and something that can be frequently overlooked as being a normal sign of an aging pet. Diagnosis of arthritis may come about after a clinical examination and consultation with one of our Veterinarians, with some cases requiring x-rays for diagnosis. We like to take a multi-modal approach to managing this potentially debilitating and progressive disease, including maintaining an appropriate weight, oral nutraceutical supplements, arthritis injection courses and anti-inflammatory and pain-relief medications as required.
Pathology We use an external veterinary pathology laboratory that provides an extensive range of diagnostic tests, ranging from blood, urine and faecal testing to pathology on lumps and other tissue samples. We are able to diagnose a lot of common issues such as kidney or liver disease, diabetes and thyroid issues based on a basic blood test, and we are able to use histopathology to obtain a diagnosis and provide a prognosis and/or treatment plan for tumours or biopsies. Blood tests are also useful screening tools prior to sedation or general anaesthesia to ensure the internal organs are functioning well and capable of dealing with the anaesthetic drugs.